Value of a moment


This is one of the busiest times of the year. I find myself reeling some nights from all the “to do’s” on my ToDo List. Trees need to be decorated, lights hung, and cookies baked.  We are rsvp’ing to special holiday outings or parties with friends, and filling all the donations and food drives. All this is great stuff, but it is occurring on top of an already overwhelmed schedule of school, work, kid activities, winter sicknesses, and just plain old – keeping things together.

Just last night after the snacks, the homework, dinner, and showers, I brought up the ornaments from the basement and started rushing the kids to decorate the tree before bedtime; to check it off our list. I felt the anxiety pushing its way up from the gut to the throat.  My mind started to wander and follow the tangled mass of to do’s and a feeling of fear began to float to the surface, fear that we would never make it in time. A sudden, tiny, wave of sadness stopped me in my tracks and forced me to think of one of my favorite quotes “What we achieve is not as important in the end as how we got there.”  Equally important is the “You will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”  At that moment I had a choice to keep pushing, or really enjoy that moment.  It took a little virtual nudge in my brain, but I stopped and enjoyed the moment; the “getting there” instead of the finale.  I felt a wave of peace push away the sadness and frustration.

I am no angel, and this will not be a perpetual state of bliss and peace that all you mere mortals have no hope of attaining.  But it was a moment that I enjoyed, and did not miss, with the Christmas music and my children.

So take time today, in the chaos of the season, and remind yourself that you have the power to enjoy the process. Instead of a month plus of exhaustion, frustration, and holiday chaos in the hopes of enjoying one day, enjoy all the moments along the way as you prepare.


Photo: Red Christmas Ball Decoration By


2 thoughts on “Value of a moment

  1. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles

    Janet, thank you for this piece. I loved reading it and I don’t think there is a soul among us who cannot relate to these very human preoccupations. The line that really grabbed me was “just last night after the… I brought up the ornaments from the basement and started rushing the kids to decorate the tree before bedtime; to check it off our list” — I know this well and the sadness that accompanies it, well said. Learning to sit in the moment and just ‘be’ is something I work at every day; what I realize is that it’s a practice and it requires my attention and effort the same way any other discipline does, and it’s worth it 🙂 Happy Holidays.


    1. Thanks Kelly for your comment. Yes this is one of those things you do have to practice. Even though I am aware I still have to force myself to slow down and value the next moment. Have a wonderful holiday.


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